Thursday, July 25, 2024

AKLATAN KO’Y KANLUNGAN: Fostering inclusive, diverse and safe spaces in school libraries (1 of 2)

It's been a month since I talked about the Aklatan Koy'y Kanlungan (AKK)Campaign at the PASLI National Conference in Saint Louis University, Baguio. It is always good to look back and chart progress, or the lack of it. So, I'm posting the slides that show principles and aspects of inclusive, diverse and safe school libraries. 

These principles bleed into the AKK Campaign. 

 You can approach the planning and design of services and programs by considering these aspects: 

 1. Collection diversity: Ensure that the library's collection represents a wide range of cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Include books, ebooks, audiobooks, films, and other media from different ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations. 

 2. Multilingual resources: Have materials available in different languages to cater to the diverse language needs of the community. Offer books, newspapers, magazines, and online resources in multiple languages. 

 3. Programming: Organize events, workshops, and activities that celebrate different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Collaborate with local community groups to encourage participation and representation from diverse backgrounds. Cover topics like multicultural literature, equity, and social justice. 

 4. Accessibility: Make sure the library is physically accessible to people with disabilities. Provide ramps, elevators, designated parking spaces, and adequate signage. Additionally, offer materials in formats suitable for different needs, such as large-print books, audiobooks, and digital text-to-speech options. 

 5. Staff training: Provide training for library staff to be aware of and sensitive to issues of diversity and inclusion. Educate them on unconscious biases, cultural competency, and respectful communication to ensure a welcoming environment for all library users. 

 6. Outreach: Actively engage with diverse communities through targeted outreach efforts. Attend community events, partner with local organizations, and use various communication channels to promote library services and programs to underrepresented populations. 

 7. Feedback and evaluation: Regularly seek input from library users to identify areas for improvement and measure the success of diversity and inclusion initiatives. Conduct surveys, focus groups, or gather feedback through comment cards to understand community needs and preferences better.

AKK Campaign Guide_2023 by zarah gagatiga

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