Friday, July 19, 2024

ARMY Month Day 10: A New ARMY Glow Up Goal

So. I was hospitalized for four days at the Makati Medical Center due to acute pancreatitis, GERD and, after an endoscopy, gastritis. 

My Tita ARMY friend Abby, rushed me to the Emergency Room at around 6.45 PM just when ARMYs and Makatizens were trooping One Ayala. I left my wares to Tita Teena Ordono and her daughter who sold them till Day 3, Sunday July 8, 2024. Tita Shawie and Tita Poochie, friends from Titas of BTS fanbase packed my stuff and what remained from my merch. I was scared. I was frustrated. I was graced by friendship of Tita ARMYs. 

Indeed, this is one Pearl ARMY Festa to remember! 

 I am on the road to recovery, having seen my doctor this week for a follow up checkup. My lab results are unremarkable save for the cyst and polyps in my liver and stomach. Needless to say, my body is growing old and it needs a different kind of care. This leads me know to take a course towards changes in eating habits, managing stress and time and, saying NO. 

Since this medical adventure happened on ARMY Festa weekend, I commit to a new ARMY Glow UP goal!

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