Tuesday, July 30, 2024

ARMY Month Day 30: On Ships, Love Teams and the Biases that Define Us (3 of 4)

When we have gathered courage to reflect and face our own biases and implicit prejudice, we can take it on another level by educating ourselves. Knowing a fandom and a fanbase by engaging in conversations in groups online or face to face is a start. Understanding the culture and context of Kpop, in general is another. There are research and factual information discussing fan culture and fan behavior that are vetted and peer reviewed. These articles are worth reading as compared to posts on fan wars on social media. Everyone is giving their opinion, but an informed opinion is better. Reading a topic or a problem that underwent a method of solving for answers is even more reliable.

As we navigate through the mercurial world of fandoms, here are tools and test to further understand the biases and prejudice that can define us.

1. Implicit Association Test (IAT):
- The IAT, developed by Harvard University, measures implicit biases by evaluating the strength of associations between concepts. You can take the test by going to this link: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html.

2. Take a Survey: Here is a sample
Survey on Bias and Implicit Prejudice Among K-pop Fans
Section 1: Demographics
1. Age: ____
2. Gender: ____
3. Country of Residence: ____
4. Ethnicity: ____
5. Favorite K-pop Groups/Artists:

Section 2: Explicit Bias
Please rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).

1. I believe all K-pop idols deserve equal respect regardless of their nationality or background.
• 1 2 3 4 5
2. I feel uncomfortable when a non-Korean K-pop idol debuts in a group.
• 1 2 3 4 5
3. I believe Korean idols are more talented than idols from other countries.
• 1 2 3 4 5
4. I enjoy interacting with K-pop fans from different cultural backgrounds.
• 1 2 3 4 5
5. I feel uneasy when I see cultural appropriation in K-pop.
• 1 2 3 4 5

Section 3: Implicit Bias
Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1. When you see a K-pop idol from a different country, what is the first thought that comes to your mind?
2. Have you ever made an assumption about an idol’s abilities based on their nationality? If yes, please explain.
3. In what ways do you think K-pop media and fan communities influence your perception of idols from different backgrounds?
4. Have you ever felt that you were treated differently in the K-pop fandom because of your nationality or ethnicity? If yes, please describe the situation.
5. Do you think you have implicit biases regarding K-pop idols or fans? Why or why not?

Section 4: Scenarios
Read the following scenarios and answer the questions.
1. A new idol from a non-Asian country debuts in a popular K-pop group. How do you react to this news?
2. You are participating in a K-pop fan event, and you notice that fans from a certain country are being treated differently. What thoughts or feelings do you experience?
3. A fellow fan makes a joke about a stereotype related to a K-pop idol’s nationality. How do you respond?

Section 5: Reflection
1. Have you ever participated in discussions or attended workshops on diversity and inclusion within the K-pop community? If yes, what impact did it have on you?
2. What steps do you think can be taken to reduce implicit bias in the K-pop fandom?

Section 6: Final Thoughts
Please provide any additional comments or thoughts you have on bias and implicit prejudice in the K-pop community.

By combining these approaches, we can gain a better understanding of our biases and work towards reducing them.
It is easy to say “ignore” when we are confronted with issues and conflicts. Working around them is a more proactive approach to addressing and resolving these deep-rooted issues. By engaging in self-reflection, participating in diversity training, and fostering open dialogues within the K-pop fandom, we create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued.

Here is a short video clip of Kim Namjoon that carries the message of our inter-connectedness, equality and mutual respect.
*Kim Namjoon on Weverse Live 04012024*
@titazeeh7 #kimnamjoonbts #BTSInspires ♬ original sound - TitaZee

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