Monday, July 29, 2024

ARMY Month Day 29: On Ships, Love Teams and the Biases that Define Us (2 of 4)

The ships and love teams we favor are wrapped with our preferences, bias and even prejudice. Most often, we are unaware of them thus, when we hear, read or encounter opposing views and viewpoints that go against our beliefs and biases, our feelings range from discomfort, disgust to hate. Because we are emotionally invested in our ships and love teams, we forget to step back, think and be mindful. What ensues is more conflict rather than discourse and dialogue towards a clear understanding of facts and information.

“Why do I feel attacked?” is a question we read or hear on social media when controversial issues are posted online. This is way better than retaliation because, there is an attempt to understand one’s feelings making an opening to look at the situation or controversy from a different lens. There is great value in checking for bias and implicit prejudice. It begins with introspection and reflecting on our own experiences as we interact with others and the bigger society.
When confronted with a content you consider offensive you can choose to:
1. Pause. Breathe. Step back and be aware of your own reactions and thoughts on the subject or content.
2. Be brave to face your own assumptions, stereotypes and partiality.
3. Look at the bigger picture; the parts of a whole and vice versa; causality and the contexts behind issues, as well as the background of the content creator.
4. Hold judgement unless backed up by facts and research.
5. Examine past experiences and what shaped your views that may have been influenced by a negative portrayal of people by the media or an interaction that was disrespectful.
A constant review and reflection may seem tough however, these are acts of empathy and kindness to one’s self.
Love yourself so you can speak yourself.

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