Saturday, August 31, 2013

IASL Day 4: Assembly of Associations, Presentation and Workshop

Highlights of day four of the IASL Conference include the inspirational message of Indonesian authors to tell and write stories in their culture; the plenary session of Rachael Hodgson who shared her reading journey and the remarkable role school libraries played in the development of her reading skills and interests; the assembly of associations where I shared about the National Children's Book Award, the Salanga and Alcala prizes as well as future seminars of the Philippine Association of School Librarians.

After lunch, I attended two sessions. One on Bibliotherapy from Australian librarians and the other on Linguistic equity. Barbara Reid and Siobhan Roulston shared web 2.0 strategies to disseminate books for bibliotherapy. Andrea Paganelli and Cynthia Houston presented research findings on ebooks and linguistic equity. This prompts me to look at ebook purchases and how I can develop our ebook collection that is balanced and equal to all readers.

At my bibliotherapy workshop, Day 4 of the IASL Conference in Bali.

My workshop on Bibliotherapy, being the last session in the conference was attended by twelve participants. All appear to possess a genuine interest on the different models of conducting Bibliotherapy programs in their context and school culture. Kerry Pope from Australia found my topic and workshop as "bursting with potential". This comment inspires me to reflect on my current practice of bibliotherapy in my school, The Beacon Academy, and of the viable and realistic ways to improve it. Claire Napoleon, a librarian and music teacher, requested for the recommended reads I compiled for my students in school. It was a great way to establish links and contacts.

That evening, the Philippine delegate attended the gala dinner and grand auction. The food was good. The company was great. The grand auction was a success! Proceeds of the auction will go to IASL's fund for Books for Children Award, where a school library in dire need of book budget can apply for the grant.

Below are select photos:

At the gala diner with our mentor, Ibu Lourdes David. Ibu in Indonesian means teacher or mother.

Wayang Kulit for auction. I was able to buy a smaller one at the airport.

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