Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Lighthouse Diary Entry #22: Getting Ready for Academic Year 2020

It seemed like ages ago since my last post on the work I do in the Beacon Academy along with some reflections and insights gathered from professional practice. A lot has happened. I don't really know where to begin. For one, when school ended in June 3, 2020 with an amazing and grace filled graduation rites, summer passed by like a blur. We were planning on Learner Playlists a few days after graduation and just yesterday, we have set directions as to how we will begin with this learning commons.

Work from home is exhausting. But I am grateful to have friends and companions in this new adventure. I just learned how to synchronise my Google Calendar with Calendly. Posted the link to my email for easy access to bookings and consultation schedules. Embedded the html code of the calendar in the library Google Site I made last week. And I thank my colleagues and friends of this new found knowledge of this productivity tool. While the world grapples with a new reality, we, teachers and educators carry on. Our expectations on how learning looks like have changed but our level of competence and resilience did not. I smile as I write this entry realising how tenacious the human spirit can be in the face of unprecedented change.

So, I end this short post with a video that our Student Council asked each one of the faculty to record. This is for the yearly Foundation Days at the Academy. Where do I get this positive feeling at a time of chaos and uncertainty? I take it as a grace give and received.

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