Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Book Blog Tour: I Say Thank You

The Manila International Book Fair will open tomorrow and I am pretty excited to have a book release party and book signing for our new book, I Say Thank You, at the Lampara Booth. Part of the activities in the book release party is a book blog tour I am organizing. 

Here are the details:

Book Blog Tour: I Say Thank You

Author: Zarah Gagatiga

Illustrator: Bleps Dapo

Publisher: Lampara Books, 2024

Facilitated by Zarah Gagatiga via School Librarian In Action: https://lovealibrarian.blogspot.com/

Book Blog Tour Schedule: The Book Blog Tour will begin on September 6,  2024 with an announcement on School Librarian In Action. A blog round up will be posted September 25 and October 10, 2024. 

Here are are three simple steps:

  1. Read the book.

  2. *Post on your blog or socmed account/site:

    1. a review of the book

    2. an interview of the author; publisher; editor; illustrator or book designer**

    3. a character sketch in visual or written form

    4. a readers/teacher-parent guide

  3. Use the hashtags when posting on socmed: #ISayThankYou #GratitudeandJoy and tag @zarahgeeh and @lamparabooks on IG; @thecoffeegodes on X and @Zarah Gagatiga on FB

Participating book bloggers, librarian, writers and reviewers: @xi zuq, Trina Vellila-Milan, Arthur Cabezas, @iamacidreflux, Nitoy Gonzales, Maryanne Moll, Ali Co Calleja, Troy Lacsamana.

Watch out for the book blog schedule!

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