Monday, April 19, 2021

Finding Grace in Every Day: A Webinar on Companionship with CLP Teachers

Finding Grace in Every Day: A Webinar on Companionship with CLP Teachers

by Zarah C. Gagatiga, reader, writer, wondering wanderer

The goal of this webinar is to share with CLP teachers my life experience as a TIA stroke survivor and how this life changing event made me seek grace in every waking moment of every day. I will be sharing some tips for survival and activities that have sustained me since then with the hope that, my witnessing will be a source of inspiration to others. In return, I only ask for prayers of health and wellbeing for me and my family namely, Domeng my husband, Nico and Zoe, our young adult kids.

Priming Activity: Read the following posts.

The Big Reveal: My Stroke of Luck

My Stroke of Luck: Trying to Make Sense of It All

My Stroke of Luck: On the Road to Recovery

A Year After My Stroke of Luck

After reading, gather your thoughts and feelings and follow these instructions to move on to the next phase of the session.

3-2-1 Response (Sanacore, 2012)

1.      Write 3 important details that struck you, disturbed you or resonated with you.

2.     Write 2 questions about the texts/posts you have read. You can also ask 2 questions to the writer.

3.     Write a summary of what you have read.

4.     Choose any of the 3-2-1 responses and place them on our JamBoard. This is the link to the Priming: Finding Grace in Every Day JamBoard.

5.     Is there something that moved you to action from this experience? If yes, take note of it and that will be your ENTRANCE PASS to the webinar.

Webinar Proper

Type in the chat box your Entrance Pass

1.      Music Map c/o Teacher Val “Nico” Gagatiga (20 mins)

2.     Finding Grace in Every Day (30 mins)

a.     Grateful for Me – Mindfulness, Grace and Gratitude

b.     Loving Hands – Sensing, Perceiving and Valuing

3.     My Heart Today (Asynchronous Activity) (10 mins)


Prepared by Zarah C. Gagatiga on April 19, 2021

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