Monday, August 7, 2017

The Lighthouse Diary Entry 2: Desires, Passions and the World's Greatest Need

No PPT slides. It was trad. But it worked!
Unlce Iroh, one of my favorite characters in the hit cartoon show, The Avatar, the Last Airbender, quotes in one episode, "Follow your passion and life will reward you!" It sounds so simple yet so true. For when we know what we are truly passionate about and when we pursue it, life gives back a hundred fold. I suppose this is a natural law of the universe for it calls to each and everyone to do good. However, knowing one's passion is another quest in the journey of living a meaningful life. And yes, how one pursues this passion is another story.

Two weeks ago, on a Friday, the weekend before the Academy opened its doors to its Griffins, new and returning, the faculty was fortunate to have Mr. Robert "Bobbit" Suntay for an inspirational talk. Mr. Suntay is one of the members of the Board of Trustees and it is not often that we see him on campus. He would visit, once in a while for BOT purposes and that's it. So, his brief but engaging talk was a welcome surprise to many. Like Uncle Iroh, he talked about one's search for happiness, the heart's truest desire, the journey of finding it and what happens when this inner desire is affirmed and actualized. Happiness is achieved because, this deepest desire meets the world's greatest need.

Aren't we all a part of a bigger something? Don't we all need to belong in some greater scheme? Even the traditional introvert searches for an endeavor that would make him whole.

That Friday, my materials for Library Orientation were all prepared. Our bulletin boards have been set up, usernames and passwords of our online subscriptions have been updated, and brochures and library bookmarks were all sorted out. My assistant, Flynn, and I were ready for the opening of of Academic Year 2017-2018. However, Mr. Suntay's talk left a dent in my heart and in my mind that over the weekend, I reviewed my plans and changed it entirely.

I thought of going for what I am truly passionate about. Books. Reading. Media and Information Literacy. Working with Students. Helping teachers. Bridging gaps. Going the extra mile even when it hurts. These are the things that matter to me. And these were the things I shared with our Griffins last Monday, July 31st, the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The birth date of Harry Potter, the boy who lived.

Four classes on MIL last week! YAY!
It was the first time I got a round of applause from the seniors (probably because there is no Book Quota this year?). The juniors tried their best to behave and to listen given the number of new students in the batch. The year 10s jumped in the task given to them right away. No qualms. They were ready to engage despite themselves. And the year 9s, what a frisky bunch!

During the in-service, HOS (head of school) reminded us of our thrust for this academic year. Back to teaching. I think, with Mr. Suntay's sharing of his life journey, I need to go back to my passions that has kept me all these years working in a school alongside teachers and school leaders and helping students find their own path. Operations and administrative work will always be important. Then again, the head and the hand will not function well if the heart isn't in it.

It was an amazing first week. There will be peaks and valleys but I hold on to my passions because, I am positive, as I have seen it happen before, these will all turn into my life's mission.

So, Life, let's do this!

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