Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Lighthouse Diary #51: Research Is A Way of Knowing (1 of 2)

Over the years, I have taught our Diploma Program (DP) students the idea that research is a process. Recently, I realized that research is a way of knowing. Like Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the Extended Essay (EE) is designed for students to know and understand their process of finding solutions and answers to a research question. Inquiry and Reflection weaves in and out of the Research Design Cycle. A cycle that students, even teachers, have challenges navigating.

For this year, I have identified strategies and mechanisms to accompany students in the EE. With the support of our DP Coordinator and English Teacher, we have agreed to implement the following:

1. Utilize the Researcher's Reflection Space on Managebac;

2. Hold After School Activities for students who are not on-track;

3. Thinking tools and strategies like the KWL-Inquiry Chart and Annotated Bibliography to document research are requirements;

4. Dedicate a weekly writing time and consultation with the Teacher Librarian on sources and references needed to prepare for a topic proposal (which will become the Introduction of the essay);

5. Express expectations clearly as well as the rubric and marks of progress.

This time, given that I have attended a training in the IB on the supervision of the EE and a refresher course on Direct Instruction and Explicit Teaching, I approach the EE Coordinatorship from an interventionist's perspective. Let's see how things go.

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