Thursday, October 8, 2020

Storytelling for Hope and Healing at the Learning Revolution Summit 2020

I'm speaking at the Emergency Home Learning (& More) Summit. This is the question that we seek to answer or use as guide for discussions: How do we dramatically help or change the lives of students, parents, teachers, librarians, and others?

#homelearningsummit #learningrevolution

Storytelling for Hope and Healing

In times of challenges, changes and conflict, we can turn to stories and poems for solace, comfort and consolation. Selection of the appropriate literature is key. When we read, engage and share the literature with a companion, a friend and a mentor the experience becomes more meaningful. The Storytelling for Hope and Healing will discuss the value of stories, storytelling, reading and writing as sources and avenues for catharsis, insight and taking action. Included in the presentation are techniques and strategies in delivering sessions for bibliotherapy as well as a recommended list of books and resources for teachers, librarians and parents.

Please click the link and register. I hope to see you there!

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