Friday, November 11, 2016

Interview on Bibliotherapy for Special Education

Here is part 3, the last installment on the interview on Bibliotherapy.

11. We had a hard time finding therapy centers in the Philippines that facilitate regular bibliotherapy sessions. Why do you think this is the case in our country?

Because, one, it is not a one-hit therapy wonder drug and two, books and reading are hard to sell. We see books as textbooks and our view of literature is for perfunction and cognition. Not as tools to nourish the soul. We need a lot of growing up to do as far as books and reading are concerned.

Also, it needs more study and research as a therapy tool.

12. Does bibliotherapy require a center in which it is to be held?

No, it does not.

13. In what ways can bibliotherapy be incorporated in the general classroom? Special education?

Storytelling is one strategy for bibliotherapy to happen in the classroom.

14. How is storytelling/shared stores/directed or guided reading related to bibliotherapy? What are their similarities and differences?

Storytelling is the opening for engagement to a formal bibliotherapy session. It is presenting the material. In reading, there is always the pre-reading, during reading and post reading framework. This can be used to support or in integration with the different stages of bibliotherapy (see PPT)

15. Where do you see the future of bibliotherapy in the Philippines?

It needs to be practiced, documented and researched on - to grow it and further develop its science and craft.

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