Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Post PAASCU Blues

For most of my co-teachers and colleagues in the Grade School, PAASCU ended today at 4.15 pm. For members of the Executive Committee, the work is not yet over. There are documents to secure, exhibits to manage and put down by Friday, and, an evaluation of the whole self analysis and visit preparations.

Then, there's the waiting.

We wait for the rating and the reports made by the accrediting team that visited our school, Xavier School. In general, I think we all did quite well. We were well prepared. We knew what to expect. Our hearts were far from faint and our minds were not at all feeble. I feel a sense of accomplishment though my contribution was very little. This is my first time to be a member of the EXECOM and it has been a privilege working with my Principal, our Student Prefect and our Social Studies Coordinator who are all experienced and seasoned PAASCU accreditors themselves.

Right now, as I rest my feet and pour my thoughts out, I could feel exhaustion creep slowly in my bones. The adrenaline rush has ebbed. The nervous excitement has gone. I badly need a rest, but there are miles to go before I sleep.

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