Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Writing, Roots, and Resilience: The Story Behind Tales from the 7,000 Isles: Filipino Folk Stories

I am the featured author of the Pamana Children's Library in Chicago, Illinois!

“For the month of March, we are also honored to feature Zarah Gagatiga, the author of Tales from the 7,000 Isles: Filipino Folk Stories, now available in the Pamana Children’s Library. In her heartfelt article, “Writing, Roots, and Resilience”, Zarah reflects on the personal journey that led to the creation of this treasured collection of Filipino folk tales. She shares how this project, born from a deep connection to heritage, became a source of strength and healing during a time of personal challenges. Zarah also pays tribute to her late collaborator, Dianne de Las Casas, whose dream of preserving Filipino stories lives on through their joint work. Join us in celebrating the enduring power of storytelling and its ability to foster resilience, connection, and remembrance.”

Because it's National Women's Month, here is an excerpt where I fondly remember my co-author, Dianne delas Casas and Bernie Solina-Wolf.

Dianne has since passed on in 2018, and the artist who created the book’s cover, Bernadette Solina-Wolf, has also crossed this realm unto the next. In my imagination, they are together, creating stories and beautiful art in a place where everything is at peace. Their stories live on here on Earth, and while I miss them so much, our friendship continues through the book we lovingly collaborated on. 

They even included a plug and a promo of our forthcoming book, Filipino Folk Tales for Children: Stories of Wisdom and Wonder (Tuttle Publishing). Thank you, Pamana Children’s Library!

Read about Pamana Children’s Library story and our mission by visiting our page on the Rizal Center website:

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