Thursday, June 1, 2023

Abstract Submission to the BTS Global Interdisciplinary Conference of 2023

 Fangirling at 14 and 40: A Correlation Study of Filipino Teenage Girls and Middle-Aged Women Fangirls of BTS

By Zarah Gagatiga, 48-year-old female and Pearl ARMY


Whatever age, demographic, gender, socio-economic background, creed and religion, ARMYs share one thing in common, their love, devotion and unwavering support for BTS. In recent years, however, a rise in the number of middle-aged Filipino women who fangirl over BTS have received harsh criticisms and prejudice from their own family, circle of friends and community outside the fandom. Often compared derogatorily to teenage girls, they are challenged to defend themselves for owning their joy and fangirling experiences over BTS.

This paper is a correlation study between and among Filipino teenage girls and middle-aged women who have been ARMYs from 2018 to the present year. By utilizing a cross-sectional survey approach and data from online fan communities, the researcher examined the emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the appeal of BTS among these age groups.

Hypothetical results show that Filipino teenage girls gravitate to the self-awareness, and identity formation present in the art and music of BTS. On the one hand, middle-aged women are drawn to BTS’ songs and aesthetics that engage them to introspect leading them to reclaim their lost selves and rediscover new talents and rekindle friendships with co-ARMYs in their age group. This transgenerational study highlights the unifying power of BTS in bridging age gaps and fostering camaraderie among female fans of diverse backgrounds.

Keywords: ARMY, Filipino Teenage Girls, Filipino Middle-Aged Women, BTS, fangirls, fangirling, transgenerational study, pop culture


About the Author: Zarah Gagatiga is a teacher-librarian, author, literacy coach and reading interventionist. She knew about BTS from her daughter who is ARMY since 2016. During the pandemic, Zarah became an ARMY and has, since then, been fascinated at the diversity of ARMYs from all walks of life and the positive influences BTS have on the fandom in big and small ways.

Zarah blogs at She is @thecoffeegoddes on Twt and @zarahgee on IG.

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