Not many know this, but I taught preschool before becoming a librarian. Bosom friends know that I really wanted to major in English back in college to teach grammar and literature in basic education. Naks! As if my skills in grammar is supercalifragelisticexpialedocious! But, as destiny would have it, I ended up in the Department of Library Science to my mother's great joy. I don't regret the decision, though deep in my heart lies the passion to teach in the classroom.
This coming school year, SY 08-09, I am looking forwrad to going back to the classroom as a Reading teacher. Finally, I can now put into practice the theories I learned from my Reading mentors and professors from UP REGALE. Wink! Wink! to Teacher Portia, Teacher Vic and Dr. H :-) As a librarian, I was able to do collaborative projects and activities on Reading and Information Literacy. In June, I shall be given the chance to stretch my reach further and continue to make connections between students and the love for reading.
I am sure that the adjustment period will not be a walk in the park. There will be great challenges and obstacles to hurdle. Then again, what's teaching without risks? That is the beauty of it all. Teaching is both a science and an art. I feel most significant when I am able to put theory into practice.
It does not mean that I will no longer be a school librarian. I still am. And I think, I will always be.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
PNU LISAA: Keepers of the Flame*
Good morning!
I stand before you today, humbled to be speaking in behalf of the PNU-LISAA, Inc. Among the many qualified and more respected alumni, the association chose someone like me to represent it in this momentous occasion.
The PNU Library Science Department can boast of so many sons and daughters who are more accomplished than I am. In its 50 years of educating and forming future librarians of the nation, it has produced an armada of alumni who are wiser in years of experience. It can be proud of its recent graduates who are sturdier and more resilient in the face of professional challenges and personal trials. Compared to them, I am merely a beginner who is carving a niche in the ever-changing landscape of library and information science. I did not graduate with honors. Nor did I make it to the top 10 of the Librarians’ Licensure Examination. But here I am, nevertheless, tasked to give an inspirational message. Indeed, to be doing this in front of my former mentors and teachers is an honor. I feel that I am now a colleague. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for this recognition. So I take this great opportunity as a way of giving back to PNU in general and to remember the glory, golden and shinning, of the PNU LIS Department in particular.
By looking back and remembering, we can define the future. After all, the past, the present and the future exist in one plane. To lose the connection between the three would mean a loss of direction.
Allow me now to look back. And, I invite you to do the same. Get a pen and a piece of paper and together, let us chart our past so it can propel us to set directions for the future.
Divide your paper in four columns. Each column represents a year in college – Freshman Year; Sophomore Year; Junior Year; and Senior Year. Write them down.
Now, fold your paper lengthwise. On the first row, write the “highs” that you experienced as a student of LIS in PNU. On the second row, write the “lows” that you encountered as a student of LIS in PNU. Your highs and lows can be about the curriculum, the teachers, the class activities and projects, extra-curricular activities, practicum, support from friends and classmates, etc. Let us work on our paper for five to seven minutes and then we will have small buzz groups.
(After five-seven minutes…)
Turn to a seatmate and share. You can also form a group of three people.
(After five minutes…)
Let us now generalize. Try to go back to your paper. Recall things that struck you in your buzz group. At the back of your paper, write down insights you’ve derived from our short activity.
Can we have one or two brave souls to share his or her insight in the big group?
Volunteer 1 –
Volunteer 2 –
(At this point speaker can share her highs and lows…)
Thank you for your generosity and openness in participating in our little activity this morning. The highs and the lows that you wrote on your piece of paper is a constructed meaning of what the PNU LIS was, is and will be. Some of these experiences maybe delightful, relevant, earth- shaking, painful, frustrating, stressful, elating, humbling and life affirming. Whatever these highs and lows are, it should be enough to move the PNU LIS Department into the next 10 to 50 years.
To channel new directions and to establish new paradigms can not be done by one entity alone. It would take a communal effort to achieve this – support from the university administration, a competent faculty and staff (combination of the young and the seasoned), updated and relevant learning resources, a curriculum that empowers and answers the needs of the learner and his environment, the political will and inner strength to change for the better – these are but some of the ingredients necessary to chart pathways for the PNU LIS Department in the next three or five decades. In the process, there will be discussions, discourse, dialogues and even debates. There are factors both internal and external that will affect the structuring or realigning of things. There will be roadblocks too, for how can we face the realities of change when, as Filipinos, we take things always, on a personal matter. Then again, we are Filipinos, and we will endure.
Like many of you, I hope to see the torch light burning bright as the PNU LIS Department continues to guide aspiring librarians to a promising tomorrow. It does not end with hoping and seeing though. As an alumnus, it is my personal responsibility to carry the torch, ablaze and aflame. PNU LISAA as an alumni organization is a keeper of the flame. We all have a part to play. We all have a contribution to make. We all need tough love and sacrifice to nurture the torch’s fire.
I ask you now, how do you keep the torch’s flame from flickering? How can we all keep the torch’s flame alive?
To end, I would like to sing PNU’s Alma Mater song – I will sing it once, but on the second round, please join me.
Oh Alma Mater ko
Sa Mga Guro’y Ina
Dalay Ilaw
Sadyang Tanglaw
Lagi Kang Patnubay
Ng Bayan Ko Kailan Pa man
Lualhati’y suma iyo
Oh Alma Mater ko
*The above speech was delivered during the 50the anniversary of the PNU LIS Department held last Saturday, February 16, 2008 at the PNU Library.
I stand before you today, humbled to be speaking in behalf of the PNU-LISAA, Inc. Among the many qualified and more respected alumni, the association chose someone like me to represent it in this momentous occasion.
The PNU Library Science Department can boast of so many sons and daughters who are more accomplished than I am. In its 50 years of educating and forming future librarians of the nation, it has produced an armada of alumni who are wiser in years of experience. It can be proud of its recent graduates who are sturdier and more resilient in the face of professional challenges and personal trials. Compared to them, I am merely a beginner who is carving a niche in the ever-changing landscape of library and information science. I did not graduate with honors. Nor did I make it to the top 10 of the Librarians’ Licensure Examination. But here I am, nevertheless, tasked to give an inspirational message. Indeed, to be doing this in front of my former mentors and teachers is an honor. I feel that I am now a colleague. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for this recognition. So I take this great opportunity as a way of giving back to PNU in general and to remember the glory, golden and shinning, of the PNU LIS Department in particular.
By looking back and remembering, we can define the future. After all, the past, the present and the future exist in one plane. To lose the connection between the three would mean a loss of direction.
Allow me now to look back. And, I invite you to do the same. Get a pen and a piece of paper and together, let us chart our past so it can propel us to set directions for the future.
Divide your paper in four columns. Each column represents a year in college – Freshman Year; Sophomore Year; Junior Year; and Senior Year. Write them down.
Now, fold your paper lengthwise. On the first row, write the “highs” that you experienced as a student of LIS in PNU. On the second row, write the “lows” that you encountered as a student of LIS in PNU. Your highs and lows can be about the curriculum, the teachers, the class activities and projects, extra-curricular activities, practicum, support from friends and classmates, etc. Let us work on our paper for five to seven minutes and then we will have small buzz groups.
(After five-seven minutes…)
Turn to a seatmate and share. You can also form a group of three people.
(After five minutes…)
Let us now generalize. Try to go back to your paper. Recall things that struck you in your buzz group. At the back of your paper, write down insights you’ve derived from our short activity.
Can we have one or two brave souls to share his or her insight in the big group?
Volunteer 1 –
Volunteer 2 –
(At this point speaker can share her highs and lows…)
Thank you for your generosity and openness in participating in our little activity this morning. The highs and the lows that you wrote on your piece of paper is a constructed meaning of what the PNU LIS was, is and will be. Some of these experiences maybe delightful, relevant, earth- shaking, painful, frustrating, stressful, elating, humbling and life affirming. Whatever these highs and lows are, it should be enough to move the PNU LIS Department into the next 10 to 50 years.
To channel new directions and to establish new paradigms can not be done by one entity alone. It would take a communal effort to achieve this – support from the university administration, a competent faculty and staff (combination of the young and the seasoned), updated and relevant learning resources, a curriculum that empowers and answers the needs of the learner and his environment, the political will and inner strength to change for the better – these are but some of the ingredients necessary to chart pathways for the PNU LIS Department in the next three or five decades. In the process, there will be discussions, discourse, dialogues and even debates. There are factors both internal and external that will affect the structuring or realigning of things. There will be roadblocks too, for how can we face the realities of change when, as Filipinos, we take things always, on a personal matter. Then again, we are Filipinos, and we will endure.
Like many of you, I hope to see the torch light burning bright as the PNU LIS Department continues to guide aspiring librarians to a promising tomorrow. It does not end with hoping and seeing though. As an alumnus, it is my personal responsibility to carry the torch, ablaze and aflame. PNU LISAA as an alumni organization is a keeper of the flame. We all have a part to play. We all have a contribution to make. We all need tough love and sacrifice to nurture the torch’s fire.
I ask you now, how do you keep the torch’s flame from flickering? How can we all keep the torch’s flame alive?
To end, I would like to sing PNU’s Alma Mater song – I will sing it once, but on the second round, please join me.
Oh Alma Mater ko
Sa Mga Guro’y Ina
Dalay Ilaw
Sadyang Tanglaw
Lagi Kang Patnubay
Ng Bayan Ko Kailan Pa man
Lualhati’y suma iyo
Oh Alma Mater ko
*The above speech was delivered during the 50the anniversary of the PNU LIS Department held last Saturday, February 16, 2008 at the PNU Library.
Monday, February 18, 2008
50 Years of PNU LIS
I deliverd an inspirational message during the 50th year anniversary of the Philippine Normal University Library and Information Science Department last February 16, 2008, Saturday at the PNU Library. Madame Cora Nera of the BFL graced the occassion. Mrs. Elnora Conti was awarded Outstanding Alumni while Peachy Limpin, who is based in Australia, was recognized as being the first PNU alumnus to make it to the Top 10 of the Licensure Exam for Librarians.
Here are some pictures from the said event. As usual, I have no photo because I was busy taking pictures using my cell phone. I will post my speech soon.
Here are some pictures from the said event. As usual, I have no photo because I was busy taking pictures using my cell phone. I will post my speech soon.
Filipino Librarians,
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Summer Events for Librarians
This early, trips, study tours and summer workshops for librarians are being advertised in the egroups. Here are several of them that I have lifted from my inbox.
The Philippine Librarians Association,Inc (PLAI) in cooperation with the
CONSAL XIV Executive Board Members from the Philippines is sponsoring
a four(4) day three (3) night Study Visit of libraries, museums and tourist spots
in Ho ChiMinh, Vietnam on April 22-25, 2008. This will coincide with the Second Meeting
of the CONSAL XIV Executive Board hosted by Vietnam
Details of the tour will be furnished to those interested starting second
week of February. Meanwhile,you can call our coordinators, Marianne and Armie
of the National Library, Tel No.5251748 or Malou of PLAI at Tel No.5259401 or
Jeng of Esquire Travel Corporation at Tel Nos. 5256298,5212907,5214193.
The Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) is honored to invite you to its Summer Conference on "Finding the Library's Place in the 2.0 Environment: Providing for interactive, collaborative and web-based technologies, resources and services" to be held on April 23-25, 2008 at the St. Ezekiel Moreno Spirituality & Development Center, San Jose, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.
This Summer Conference has the following objectives:
1. To take a second look at the trends that will better prepare librarians and other information professionals in the next wave of societal, cultural and technological changes in providing services in libraries and information centers.
2. Make the present day information professional recognize that information culture is changing fast and that there is a need to respond positively to these changes by providing resources and services that users need and want.
3. To present the library as a partner in providing for a socially and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience and the librarian as "strategy guide" for helping users find information and gather new knowledge to create new contents.
This invitation is extended to both professional and library support staff, library managers, information specialists, information managers and researchers who recognize the importance of understanding the ideas of the changing universe of information and the context of collaborative and interactive web based services for libraries and information centers.
Registration fee is PHP 4,500.00 (live-in). This entitles the participant to a 3 days/2 nights stay at the Center with meals and snacks, conference kit, certificates of participation, certificate of attendance, if so required and a half-day tour. For those who will prefer to make arrangements for their accommodations (live-out), fee is PHP 4,000.00 inclusive of the abovementioned entitlements except breakfast and dinner. Payments can be made in cash, check or Postal Money Order payable to Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) or deposit to any BPI
Family Bank Branches near you with Savings Account No. 5951-0782-06.
Your favorable response to this invitation will be greatly appreciated. It is of utmost importance that you confirm your
reservation on or before April 15, 2008.
We shall be looking forward to welcoming you in Palawan!
The South Manila Inter-Institutional Consortium (SMI-IC) comprised of twelve (12) member academic libraries along Taft Avenue, Manila is
pleased to invite you to a Seminar-Workshop on Archives Management: Principles and Techniques, to be held on March 26-28, 2008, at the College of Public Health Auditorium, UP Manila, Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila.
The objectives of the seminar are as follows: (1) to have a greater understanding of the role of archives in fulfilling the mission of an
institution; (2) to introduce basic archival principles and techniques which will guide the librarians/archivists/information professionals in establishing their respective institutional archives, particularly on the organization and arrangement of archival materials; (3) to enable participants to develop and implement an archival collection development program
A seminar fee of Php3, 000.00 to cover registration fee, conference meals and snacks, seminar kits & handouts, and certificate of participation will be charged to the participants.
For inquiries/reservation please contact any of the following:
Erlinda B. Gonzalez
Adamson University
Telefax : 524-8038; 524-2011 loc. 131; Mobile Phone: 0906-4796345
Ana Maria B. Fresnido
De La Salle University-Manila
Telefax.: 524-8835 ; 536-0244
Mobile Phone: 0918-7172959
Rowena R. Pascual
Philippine Christian University
Tel. No.: 523-2186; 524-6671 loc.111
Mobile Phone: 0921-4644358
Maria A. Orendain
Philippine Normal University
Tel No.: 302-7717
Marilou S. Salting
Saint Paul University-Manila
Tel No.: 524-5687 loc. 220
Mobile Phone: 0927-3299811
Simeona C. Delfin
St. Scholastica's College-Manila
Tel: 524-7686 loc. 252
Mobile Phone: 0906-2271615
Celedonia Cayaban
De La Salle – College of St. Benilde
Tel No.: 526-7741 loc. 133
Gloria E. Ruzgal
Emilio Aguinaldo College
Tel No.: 521-2710 loc. 5355
Mobile Phone: 0916-2319481
Corazon M. Nera
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Tel: 527-8251 loc. 129
Dionisia M. Angeles
Philippine Women's University
Tel: 339-2589
Mobile Phone: 0917-8718815
Olga Ong
Technological University of the Philippines
Theresa P. Dugenia
University of the Philippines-Manila
Tel No.:526-4253; 526-5847
The Philippine Librarians Association,Inc (PLAI) in cooperation with the
CONSAL XIV Executive Board Members from the Philippines is sponsoring
a four(4) day three (3) night Study Visit of libraries, museums and tourist spots
in Ho ChiMinh, Vietnam on April 22-25, 2008. This will coincide with the Second Meeting
of the CONSAL XIV Executive Board hosted by Vietnam
Details of the tour will be furnished to those interested starting second
week of February. Meanwhile,you can call our coordinators, Marianne and Armie
of the National Library, Tel No.5251748 or Malou of PLAI at Tel No.5259401 or
Jeng of Esquire Travel Corporation at Tel Nos. 5256298,5212907,5214193.
The Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) is honored to invite you to its Summer Conference on "Finding the Library's Place in the 2.0 Environment: Providing for interactive, collaborative and web-based technologies, resources and services" to be held on April 23-25, 2008 at the St. Ezekiel Moreno Spirituality & Development Center, San Jose, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.
This Summer Conference has the following objectives:
1. To take a second look at the trends that will better prepare librarians and other information professionals in the next wave of societal, cultural and technological changes in providing services in libraries and information centers.
2. Make the present day information professional recognize that information culture is changing fast and that there is a need to respond positively to these changes by providing resources and services that users need and want.
3. To present the library as a partner in providing for a socially and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience and the librarian as "strategy guide" for helping users find information and gather new knowledge to create new contents.
This invitation is extended to both professional and library support staff, library managers, information specialists, information managers and researchers who recognize the importance of understanding the ideas of the changing universe of information and the context of collaborative and interactive web based services for libraries and information centers.
Registration fee is PHP 4,500.00 (live-in). This entitles the participant to a 3 days/2 nights stay at the Center with meals and snacks, conference kit, certificates of participation, certificate of attendance, if so required and a half-day tour. For those who will prefer to make arrangements for their accommodations (live-out), fee is PHP 4,000.00 inclusive of the abovementioned entitlements except breakfast and dinner. Payments can be made in cash, check or Postal Money Order payable to Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) or deposit to any BPI
Family Bank Branches near you with Savings Account No. 5951-0782-06.
Your favorable response to this invitation will be greatly appreciated. It is of utmost importance that you confirm your
reservation on or before April 15, 2008.
We shall be looking forward to welcoming you in Palawan!
The South Manila Inter-Institutional Consortium (SMI-IC) comprised of twelve (12) member academic libraries along Taft Avenue, Manila is
pleased to invite you to a Seminar-Workshop on Archives Management: Principles and Techniques, to be held on March 26-28, 2008, at the College of Public Health Auditorium, UP Manila, Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila.
The objectives of the seminar are as follows: (1) to have a greater understanding of the role of archives in fulfilling the mission of an
institution; (2) to introduce basic archival principles and techniques which will guide the librarians/archivists/information professionals in establishing their respective institutional archives, particularly on the organization and arrangement of archival materials; (3) to enable participants to develop and implement an archival collection development program
A seminar fee of Php3, 000.00 to cover registration fee, conference meals and snacks, seminar kits & handouts, and certificate of participation will be charged to the participants.
For inquiries/reservation please contact any of the following:
Erlinda B. Gonzalez
Adamson University
Telefax : 524-8038; 524-2011 loc. 131; Mobile Phone: 0906-4796345
Ana Maria B. Fresnido
De La Salle University-Manila
Telefax.: 524-8835 ; 536-0244
Mobile Phone: 0918-7172959
Rowena R. Pascual
Philippine Christian University
Tel. No.: 523-2186; 524-6671 loc.111
Mobile Phone: 0921-4644358
Maria A. Orendain
Philippine Normal University
Tel No.: 302-7717
Marilou S. Salting
Saint Paul University-Manila
Tel No.: 524-5687 loc. 220
Mobile Phone: 0927-3299811
Simeona C. Delfin
St. Scholastica's College-Manila
Tel: 524-7686 loc. 252
Mobile Phone: 0906-2271615
Celedonia Cayaban
De La Salle – College of St. Benilde
Tel No.: 526-7741 loc. 133
Gloria E. Ruzgal
Emilio Aguinaldo College
Tel No.: 521-2710 loc. 5355
Mobile Phone: 0916-2319481
Corazon M. Nera
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Tel: 527-8251 loc. 129
Dionisia M. Angeles
Philippine Women's University
Tel: 339-2589
Mobile Phone: 0917-8718815
Olga Ong
Technological University of the Philippines
Theresa P. Dugenia
University of the Philippines-Manila
Tel No.:526-4253; 526-5847
Filipino Librarians
Thursday, February 7, 2008
PAASCU Visit @ SFNPS Library

Here we are inside her cute little library at San Felipe Neri Parochial School. Ms. Brinas is an alumni of the Philippine Normal University. She was recepient of the Trinidad Albaraccin Scholarship. She recently passed the Licensure Exam for Librarians.
Filipino Librarians,
school library
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