Monday, December 2, 2013

Book Spine Poetry

I discovered this at the high school library of Miriam College:

It's Book Spine Poetry! Books were stacked on top of each other, arranged in an order where the reader can read the titles as lines to a poem. This one reads: I am an emotional creature / Use your anger / Our voices / Help for hard times / Healing together. There are five lines to the poem but only four books lay on the table. I suppose the book on top has been borrowed as I saw the books on a table placed in the middle of the reading area very near the circulation counter.

I found the idea so cool that I made one myself --

Coming back to me
The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
To the lighthouse
Where we belong

Thanks to librarian friends from Miriam College High School Library for allowing me to take a photo of their book and reading promotion activity. I'll be trying this out in our school library and wait for results.

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