Thursday, July 4, 2024

Wrapping Up the 42nd National Conference of the Philippine Association of School Librarians


We were able to stage and execute an on-site National Conference of school librarians in Baguio City! I am grateful to be a part of the Working Committee of the PASLI - Philippine Association of School Librarians, Inc. for this year’s national conference. My involvement in PASLI Conferences in the past has always been as a guest resource speaker, but this time, as an elected officer, I had the honor to roll up my sleeves and labor with the team of dedicated and reliable PASLI Officers, in sickness and in health.

There are areas for improvement, as in all endeavors and projects of this size and diversity pose great challenges but, with collaboration and clear lines of communication from top to bottom and vice versa, the #pasli42ndcon is a core memory that PASLI Officers, members and partners will cherish for years to come.

Here’s why:
1. A bigger contingent from the DepEd School Library sector with librarians from the Visayas in attendance;

2. Visibility of the Baguio LGU in acknowledging PASLI’s presence at Saint Louis University Baguio City. We truly value Mayor Benjamin Magalong’s presence on Day 1;

3. PASLI’s first collab with a university outside NCR. SLU Librarians headed by Ma’am Joey, you rock!. Thank you for bringing in the voices of your young people through the SLU Glee Club. Thank you for reminding us, old foggies, that the heart is forever young by having your SLU Dance Troupe swing, strut and hustle with us at the Fellowship Night;

4. How did we manage to fit in 30 book sellers and distributors in one national conference?!;

5. Resource Speakers from outside school librarianship talking about what we love and what we advocate - books and its technological cousins, reading and critical thinking, access to information, children’s literature, family and community development, inclusion and diversity;

6. The food! The coffee! The freebies and raffle prizes!

7. The community of school librarians who collectively exude a strong sense of pride and empathy.

I have never seen us this way. Or maybe I miss seeing this aspect of our identity because this was my first time to work behind the scene.
We have a legacy to continue and uphold.
Congratulations, PASLI!

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