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Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Review of RENT: The Rock Musical

A few weeks ago, my daughter and I were at the Carlos P, Romulo Auditorium of the RCBC Plaza in Makati to watch RENT the Musical. Produced by 9Works Theatrical, this version of RENT stayed true to its rock musical roots. The live band was excellent. The production design was simple and stark. The actors were amazingly well trained in their craft. Talent and discipline combined.  

The experience was nostalgic for me since RENT was the musical lynchpin of my 20s. It saw me through my own identity crisis and rebellion. The angst and trauma from which the musical was based on was not as strong as compared to past productions that I have watched. Somehow, the actors who portrayed characters that represented for me the lost and the marginalized of my generation looked very much entitled and privileged. But the ennui and its drive for compassion were all there. 

I am glad I shared this experience with my daughter who recognized the music and the well produced set and stage design. She loved the characters and the actors who portrayed them, most especially, Angel.

Everybody loves Angel. 

Back in my day, AIDS/HIV infection and the rights of artists are issues we march in the streets for. My baby thesis in college was about AIDS. AIDS and HIV infections were issues that challenged my personal beliefs on the church, the disintegration of the family, my own sexuality and freedom to be. What I cannot fully grapple at the time, I turned to academic writing. However, my understanding of the context of AIDS and my own personal battles of self expression led me to RENT.

Super thank you to my Tita ARMY friend, Tita Lynnette, for walking with us. I for one needed to be reminded of how precious every moment and every breath can be.

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