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Monday, June 24, 2024

Kuwentong Bangtan: When Kim Namjoon Went Nuts: A Review of Nuts, RPWP 2024

When the MV of Nuts dropped a few weeks ago, I and ARMYs in my circle speculated on this one person who hurt our Joonie. This is an ongoing question since he’s always bared his feelings of deep anger, regret and frustration. By default, I, like many ARMYs, couldn’t wait to pulverize the person in question. Back pedaling to Nuts, however, and watching Joon sing and move-dance about in a studio all by himself made me ask: Is he talking about and with himself?

Nuts is Kim Namjoon’s soliloquy making the song and the MV highly appealing. Soliloquy as narrative device allows the character to connect more emotionally and psychologically to the audience. The self-talk is an exposition of prevailing themes in the story as well as the underlying conflicts and the more obvious problems or issues at hand. The technique is a delicious invitation to the character’s introspection of past actions leading to decisions or possible consequences brought by the thinking process. This metacognitive approach to storytelling engages audiences even more and for fans like me, we become deeply invested in the artists that we stan.

Soliloquies or self-talk in literature are not new. A classic example is Shakespeare’s Hamlet. To see Namjoon’s soliloquy is for me, a novel presentation of his saga and journey as artist and leader of BTS. This is another style of intertextuality — borrowing from the classics and putting a new spin to the technique. Then again, in his own discography there are songs ( Joke, RM 2016; Reflections, Wings 2017; and Persona, MOTS 2019) that  are reflections of his state of mind and internal battles against the backdrop of a capitalist economy imbued with the Korean Han. That fear of losing the Self is an ongoing narrative of Kim Namjoon.

Taking Nuts as a soliloquy and a reference to Hamlet’s, this 2nd track of Right Place Wrong Person, is Kim Namjoon’s madness in full display, once again. The song lyrics references two genders. A She and a He. Using Jung’s Map of the Soul as framework for this discussion, the former is the Anima and the latter is the Kpop Idol Persona

These two stanzas show the conflict that drives Namjoon insane as Anima and Persona clashes.

Verse 1

“She a pro rider… When it comes to love, she could be an all nighter | Best gaslighter, no man could ever fight her.

I go mad, how can we do everything together?”

Verse 2

“He a pro rider… | Must be an A1 guider, always on that fuckin’ Kakao talk | When it comes to money, he could be a damn fighter | Best gaslighter, no woman could stop him.

I go nuts, I feel like a monster.”

The song closes out with two stanzas by the Anima and the Persona.

“Now lay back | You never been so high | Know you ‘fraid of heights | I will close your eyes”

“Now lay back | You never been so high | Know you ‘fraid of heights | Don’t say a goodbye”

Words of caution. A caveat. A desire to rest and to take a pause but it is not a goodbye. It is not the end because, later on, Namjoon sings Come Back to Me to reassure himself and ARMY that he has integrated with the Anima. The male Ego leaves the set of mazes intact and can confidently walk along side its feminine power.

1/7 of our Global Music Princes have overcome the madness that comes with fame, ambition, immense success and the power of influence. Namjoon has taken ARMY and the bigger audience into an adventure of the human mind and its capacity to be broken and to be healed! I am not surprised since he once said in one of his lives during the pandemic, “let’s be insane to be sane.”

And there lies the courage and the intelligence of Kim Namjoon. Blessed with a 148 IQ, his heightened awareness of his Self and the world around him drives him “nuts”. Choosing music to channel and balance the crazies that torment him all day and all night, he is able to create art that is both luminous and illuminating.

I am really glad he picked up learning the saxophone while on military service. Serenading Jin and playing the chorus of Dynamite are manifestations of grace. Our Joonie is going to be fine.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Step by Step with Teacher Zee: Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing (2 of 2)

One of the things that excite me as a literacy skills teacher and reading interventionist is the engagement I have with students and the manner in which they provide knowledge and reason when we encounter new words. My recent session with my student a week ago led us to opportunities to talk about words in length.

The words we unlocked are argue and argument. Of course, the dictionary is a handy tool where he learned that argue is the root word of argument. The suffix "ment" is a noun suffix that when it is placed after a verb, the word becomes a noun. Argue is the verb; ment is the noun suffix. This makes argument a noun. I then asked him to verbally use the words argue and argument in a sentences - one for each.

In context, I asked him what he knows of the word argue. He said that he associates the word as a violent exchange between two people. To this I replied, that it is a common understanding because when we argue, we insist on the other/s our beliefs with no basis but our feelings and ego. When we argue, I added, it has to be based on facts, a pattern that follows a logical sequence, a truth that has been in existence for so long it is considered universal. 

The point of an argument is to make us think. People go violent when they argue because, one, they cannot hold their statements with pieces of evidence and two, their egos are bigger than the points they want others to consider.  

I will definitely go back to this experience with my student when we begin writing the persuasive essay.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Step by Step with Teacher Zee: Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing (1 of 2)

In my writing class this summer, I have asked my student to read a 7 paragraph essay on the benefits of reading. The article is from EReading Worksheets by Mr. Donzo Mortini, a public school teacher from Chicago. The author on the article on Reading is undisclosed. It can be assumed, however, that the author is Mr. Mortini. So, when my student came face to face with the article, I had to inform him where I got the article from and lead him to the "About this Site" page. This way, the analysis of the source takes place.

My decision to have my student read the article on Reading is to prepare him for writing the personal and persuasive essay. One is casual and conversational while the other rests on an argument supported by facts. Both essays follow a fundamental structure where the main point, the general idea, the theme or the thesis is fleshed out, provided evidence for clarity, presented with examples including citations when sources are used. It is a complex process where analytical and synthetic thinking are applied. Overall, the entire process is critical thinking.

Here is how I facilitated this specific session.

1. For pre-reading, I asked the student to make a word web or a mind map on reading. This way, his prior knowledge is activated. It prepares him for the reading exercise. Furthermore, his understanding of the topic connects with new ideas he will encounter from the text. 

2. During reading, my student and I read aloud together. We stop at points where a sentence or a word piques our curiosity or when we are confused. A notepad and a pen is close at hand to record thoughts, insights or unresolved questions we have of the text. For this reading exercise, there are none because, the ones that moved us to wonder and ask questions have answers we found in the text.

3. The worksheet has two sets of questions to assess literal comprehension (set 1) and inferencing. He scored 7/10 on set 1. The second set allowed us to discuss his answers since a variety of responses can manifest. This is the exciting part. 

By engaging my student into a conversion of his answers, I was informed of his ability to analyze, pick out details and use them to support his answers. His short essays are a gauge of his skill level on critical thinking. I am happy to discover that he is ready to learn text structures and use them for writing the personal and persuasive essay. 

I asked him to write a summary of the article's main idea or theme with enough details to support it. This is where a graphic organizer comes into play.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Kuwentong Bangtan: Of Aliens, Children and the Man on the Bicycle

I was eight years old when my mama brought me to the cinema to watch E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (Spielberg, 1982). How it piqued my curiosity! The movie poster shows a boy in a bicycle flying and at the background is the silver moon looming in magnificence. It was enchanting (it still is). The two fingers that connect prompted me to ask my mama questions. Whose fingers are those? Why is there a spark of light when their fingers touched? How can a bike fly that high? I remember my mama saying, “manood na lang tayo at nasa movie ang sagot.” So boomer, di ba?

Afterwards, we both concluded that sci-fi magic made it all possible. (ang genX ko talaga). But there’s more, the title of the movie opened the door for me to learn new words and language. Of course, my mama took advantage of the opportunity to teach me the use of a dictionary. A complicated word such as extra-terrestrial pertains to objects and entities beyond the planet we know as Earth. When broken down in two, terrestrial means earth and extra means add-on; something supplemental. E.T. the Extra-terrestrial was, at the time, an out of this world movie experience.

This movie I had seen as a child, made me feel celebrated. I only had a vague idea that my rights were being advocated back then, but I felt it. Eliot, was my champion. He was allowed to save and fight for what he believes in and protect his friend who is not of this Earth against a system that controls and stifles creativity. He is but a child. A capable child. With the help of his brother and his biker friends, they beat the authorities who want E.T. as a lab experiment. An act of subversion, yes, but also, an act of emancipation and empowerment. Such is the power of storytelling and cinematic art.

Fast forward to late October of 2022 when The Astronaut, Kim Seokjin’s collab project with Coldplay dropped in all streaming channels with a music video (mv) on YouTube. The scenes that show Astronaut Jin on a bicycle, teaching a young girl how to ride one and saying good bye to her brought me back to that core memory of watching E.T. as a child. The effect was therapeutic and bittersweet, too.

Astronaut Jin was saying goodbye riding that bicycle. At the same time, it symbolizes the unending journey of growth and possibilities in the midst of nothingness and uncertainty. Learning to ride a bike is a rite of passage, besides. A gateway unto freedom. It is a child's foray into the bigger world to handle responsibilities and the accountability that comes with it.

Kim Seokjin on a bike entering the stage last June 13 in his first solo performance is a reminder that curiosity and the sense of wonder never dies. It lives on.

ARMY, we are Young Forever!

#festa2024 #ARMYGlowUp2025 #agu_communication #btskimseokjin 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Kuwentong Bangtan: JHope asks, "Did you cheat?"

Every year at Festa, BTS members would write ARMY a letter. It is a tradition that both parties look forward to. If you are ARMY, you would know and recognize how much it means to Bangtan to share slivers of their lives in the persona they chose to assume. It’s impressive how they do this - to be authentic and sincere while wearing the skin of a Kpop idol.

This year, I was reduced to tears reading all seven letters. How I wished I had the wisdom that each of them displayed when I was in my 20s-30s. I thank God, nonetheless, for witnessing the depth of Bangtan’s knowledge of themselves amidst a world where people choose to destroy each other. Theirs is an awareness that springs from a deep personal recognition of their limitations. They are eternally curious, too. They wonder all the time! This is power. If you are ARMY, of whatever age, creed and culture, you would do the same in your own unique way.

You would want to create art. You would want to share; to grow; to connect; to reflect, introspect and ask questions. So, I wasn’t surprised when Jhope, our Hobi, inquired. We are used to hearing/reading their reminders and asking us of self care. It was the question about loyalty that was unexpected.

How many were caught off guard? How did ARMY, especially Pearl ARMY, respond? The responses were as interesting as the question itself.

Translations on X abound. And we know what gets lost in translation. But, to continue, I picked two: one from Haruharu and another from an un-named source (will get back on the credit). The former is direct and blunt. The later is gentle and kind. Either way, the question is a brave exploration into human nature and the circumstances that inform our decisions.

What a courageous thing to do, Jung Hoseok!

His question merits a truthful answer. Only in truth can we set ourselves free.

Happy Festa! Happy Independence Day!

#festa2024 #independenceday2024 #AGU_Communication #ARMYGlowUp2025

Thursday, June 13, 2024

ARMY Glow Up Goal: Upskilling on Pottery Handbuilding Techniques



This Moonchild planter is my first. The slight crack is only at the surface since the bottom remains unbroken. I combined handbuilding techniques for this planter.

♬ moonchild - RM

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Kuwentong Bangtan: Music Video Review: Credit Roll, Kim Namjoon, RPWP 2024

This scene from the MV of Credit Roll prompted me to revisit the Constructivist Theory of Media. What we see flashed on the screen is a mediated construct of reality. These constructs are created by content authors and creators with an agenda or a purpose to inform, to persuade, to influence, to entertain; for propaganda at some point; and in many cases, to control the ebb and flow of information and shaping public opinion in the process. In the video, Namjoon is speaking in front of a camera in a room he shares with other people. A story in a story with layers that can be peeled.

While Namjoon faces the camera on broadcast, he communicates his message that has been crafted, framed and produced for an intended audience. Sadly, it escapes them as yet another TV production. Unaware of the dynamics of the media content prepared for their consumption, they choose the appeal of food. They huddle and listen to each other’s stories on real time while partaking on dishes shared within their circle.

The technology we use to communicate and make connections can very well be the technology that divides and isolates us from each other. Namjoon finds himself at the right place with something to say but he is the wrong person because, people interpret content from media and the internet based on their own values, cultural norms, beliefs and biases. More often than not, people believe and listen to who they know within the confines of their chosen cliques.

When the credits roll, Namjoon asks, “Do you hang tight or goes off to life?” Whatever our answer is, he is grateful because, despite being "godamn" lost, he can come back to “me”.

Thank you, Kim Namjoon for making RPWP.  What a well thought out album. Well curated, artistic and tastefully done. For the past three weeks, it challenged me to rethink of my own message and biases; my fears and the uncertainty of a future yet to come. Thank you for opening doors to find “me” and doing it in the most humane way.

Now, I’m off to do some art.

#RPWP_CreditRoll #RM_RPWP #festa2024 #ARMYGlowUp2025 #AGU_Communication

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Review of RENT: The Rock Musical

A few weeks ago, my daughter and I were at the Carlos P, Romulo Auditorium of the RCBC Plaza in Makati to watch RENT the Musical. Produced by 9Works Theatrical, this version of RENT stayed true to its rock musical roots. The live band was excellent. The production design was simple and stark. The actors were amazingly well trained in their craft. Talent and discipline combined.  

The experience was nostalgic for me since RENT was the musical lynchpin of my 20s. It saw me through my own identity crisis and rebellion. The angst and trauma from which the musical was based on was not as strong as compared to past productions that I have watched. Somehow, the actors who portrayed characters that represented for me the lost and the marginalized of my generation looked very much entitled and privileged. But the ennui and its drive for compassion were all there. 

I am glad I shared this experience with my daughter who recognized the music and the well produced set and stage design. She loved the characters and the actors who portrayed them, most especially, Angel.

Everybody loves Angel. 

Back in my day, AIDS/HIV infection and the rights of artists are issues we march in the streets for. My baby thesis in college was about AIDS. AIDS and HIV infections were issues that challenged my personal beliefs on the church, the disintegration of the family, my own sexuality and freedom to be. What I cannot fully grapple at the time, I turned to academic writing. However, my understanding of the context of AIDS and my own personal battles of self expression led me to RENT.

Super thank you to my Tita ARMY friend, Tita Lynnette, for walking with us. I for one needed to be reminded of how precious every moment and every breath can be.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

#PASLICon2024: “IntenZfied School Libraries: Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity" Speaker in Focus: Zarah C. Gagatiga

The Philippine Association of School Librarians, Inc. (PASLI) in collaboration with Saint Louis University will hold its 42nd PASLI National Conference with the theme “IntenZfied School Libraries: Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity" on June 26-28, 2024 in Fr. Francis Gevers Hall, Saint Louis University, Baguio City. The objectives of the congress are as follows: 1. To promote diversity and inclusivity within the framework of school libraries' collection, programs, and services; 2. To gain an understanding of trends and movements in children's literature, allowing librarians to develop more inclusive and diverse collections; and 3. To foster and sustain collaborations and linkages between and among school librarians, school administrators, educators, library personnel, and other school stakeholders. We are inviting you to attend this National Conference. We have invited experts to share their knowledge and expertise.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Lighthouse Diary #53: The Power of Visual Maps and Graphic Organizers

How many times has a visual map or graphic organizer saved me and my students from being stumped on a task? 

All the time!

A flowchart helped me and my student unlock complex steps for a Physics essay on wave theory, while overlapping circles identifying the relationship of man’s conflict with society in the anime Attack on Titan lent clarity on another student’s approach to discuss and analyze fascism. Both students have submitted their topic proposals and we await feedback from their respective subject teacher. What else did we realize? Knowledge is never isolated. 

A Physics paper on wave theory implies further research on water resources and natural energy. Fascism is driven by the desire to control and to be controlled. My students are taking notes on this intersection of knowledge with a recognition of relevant sources that they must look for and information they need to dig and mine.

Before the 10-15 minute consultation ends, I make them write a summary or a paragraph or two interpreting the visual map / graphic organizer we made together. In forthcoming sessions, we will go back to these maps and reflections to review and build upon what we are knowing.

This is Phase 1 of the research cycle. Phase 2 begins when feedback has been rendered. It is going to be a busy summer.

#teacherlibrarian #researchprocess #yalibraryservices #academicwriting

Read more posts on Graphic Organizers in Teaching Research Skills

Visualizing Information in Research

Mind Maps as Thinking Tools

The Learning Scientist

Sunday, June 2, 2024

#PASLICon2024: “IntenZfied School Libraries: Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity" Speaker in Focus: Honey de Peralta

The Philippine Association of School Librarians, Inc. (PASLI) in collaboration with Saint Louis University will hold its 42nd PASLI National Conference with the theme “IntenZfied School Libraries: Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity" on June 26-28, 2024 in Fr. Francis Gevers Hall, Saint Louis University, Baguio City.

The objectives of the congress are as follows:

1. To promote diversity and inclusivity within the framework of school libraries' collection, programs, and services;

2. To gain an understanding of trends and movements in children's literature, allowing librarians to develop more inclusive and diverse collections; and

3. To foster and sustain collaborations and linkages between and among school librarians, school administrators, educators, library personnel, and other school stakeholders.

We are inviting you to attend this National Conference. We have invited experts to share their knowledge and expertise.