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Monday, September 5, 2022

The Lighthouse Diary Entry #43: Research Month at the Academy (1 of 2)

September begins with a research session for our grade 12 and grade 10 students. 

The Personal Project, a requirement for the 10s as they complete the final year in the MYP, kickstarted during the Founday Day for which the library was  given a half day orientation with the MYP students. We value academic research as well as the development of skills building. The library plays an important role in this journey.

Taking off from the result of the research assessment they had during Foundation Day, I chose the skill of sourcing and locating information sources as topics for discussion and an exercise in identifying a source for a specific task.

The Pioneer, our research hub, was very useful for this session.

Before diving into the different sources of information and ways of locating inofrmation within sources, I had a read aloud/role play activity. Reading a converstaion between Elvis and Ms. Marmalade, we had a good review on the nature of research. There were intesresting questions that came up, one is the appropriate use of sources and choosing which is the better one for a specific inquiry. It all depends on the kind of information problem to be solved, really. Then, I realized that critical thinking on information process is a base knowledge that students need.

Checking the worksheets that students submitted to me right after the session, I found out that their knowledge of primary and secondary sources is in palce. How to use them is another matter.

Yes. The work is cut our for us.

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