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Monday, October 25, 2021

Research Colloquium Series 1 On Research Questions, Thesis Statements and Selection of Sources

 The BA Library: Research Colloquium Series 1                           October 25, 2021 Monday 2PM

Where Mrs. Gagatiga speaks about the current research that she is working on, how she’s struggling with finding sources and connecting information relevant to answer the research question.

Objectives and Presentation Plan

1.      As a researcher, my aim is to share my research process particularly in selecting sources that will help me answer my RQ and analyze my thesis statement.

2.     My RQ: How did the roles and responsibilities of school librarians changed, affected and effected their professional practice during the pandemic?

3.     My Thesis Statement: The pandemic brought changes in the roles and responsibilities expected of school librarians thus, as valued partners in the teaching and learning experience, collaborative strategies and methods need to be in place for the learning during COVID to continue.

4.     Given the RQ and TS, Mrs. Gagatiga will present the key terms and concepts that will necessitate explanation, analysis and investigation.

5.     From these concepts and terminologies, she will identify resources and sources of information to develop the paper.

6.     She will then proceed to the timeline of her paper and presentation

What is a colloquium?

A colloquy is a conversation, and especially an important, high-level discussion. Colloquy and colloquium once meant the same thing, though today colloquium always refers to a conference. Because of its old "conversation" meaning, however, a colloquium is a type of conference with important question-and-answer periods.

What do we know about research in the context of the EE?

Perspective A: EE Guide by the IB

Perspective B: Subject specific requirements

Perspective C: Research in Action: what is happening out there? 😊

Mrs. Gagatiga’s paper: School Librarians Responding to Changes During the Pandemic

1.      Brief history of the paper/research

2.     Present the methodology done from the April webinar 2021

3.     Present the existing status of the paper

a.      RQ, Thesis Statement

b.     Key concepts and terms – present a concept map when possible

c.      Show resources and sources of information – working bibliography with annotations

d.     Present the timetable

Prepared by: Zarah G 😊

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