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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Lighthouse Diary Entry #31: Prior Knowledge is Key

I had a wonderful time showing my student the new ebook lending system we acquired this academic year. She requested for a one-on-one session which I appreciate. We did present the new service to the student body during Foundation Week, but there are details and nuances in the use of media and technology that need clarification to learners young and old. My role is to present these nuances and pare the details. I learn from the process every time.

Yesterday, I learned the value of chunking information and focusing on a specific skill to discuss for that particular session. Access to ebooks and understanding the digital interface were the targets. However, along the way, the student was able to integrate learned skills from previous research experiences like using the table of contents, identifying the bibliographic data of the source and referring to the index. 

Thank goodness the ebook that we were able to identify has all the "traditional" parts of the book. The student's reading experience and familiarity with the structure of the printed book helped her navigate a digital copy. She was able to set the preliminary work but essential task for research.

I hope she has gained a certain level of confidence. 

Right after our session, I sent a PM to her research supervisor to update her on the student's progress. I recommended that student make use of close reading for the chosen texts. My co-teacher was pretty pleased at the development having taught the student this strategy during the summer. When collaboration happens between me and my co-teachers, I feel positive and hopeful - two things the world seem to be wanting more of these days. We soldier on.

As for EBSCOHost and the PH reps, they have been partners since we started organizing the library back in 2011. With the pandemic forcing us to pivot into the virtual space, it was inevitable not to subscribe to an ebook lending system. We have been toying on the idea previous to COVID-19 and Josef Halos' EBSCO had been very helpful and accommodating. This is another collaborative partnership I will write about in the coming weeks.

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