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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Ajooma Reviews: Tale of the Nine Tailed Episodes 15-16 Finale (1 of 2)

Tale of the Nine Tailed
Studio Dragon, 2020
Written by Han Woo Ri

Directed by Kang Shin Hyo

We have reached the end of the series. What a journey!

Our love and gratitude goes out to the actors and the production team for weaving a life affirming story, yes, even in Rang's death (more on this later) that is filled with folkloric and mythical elements of Korea. Tale of the Nine Tailed (TOTNT) stayed true to the classic story of old. The innovation and inventiveness in storytelling made the themes of love and family appear new and fresh but it reminded us of the lasting truths and values of our collective humanity in a highly, modern and apathetic world. 

I really enjoyed how the director made use of color and texture, objects in contrast, the panoramic shots and close ups as well as the play of light and shadows to amplify and heighten emotions in particular scenes. The scene where Rang and Yeon were playing Go before their descent to darkness clearly shows the forces they chose to belong in. Rang in black is still under the Imoogi and his cohort's spell as Yeon in white remains the unperturbed Mountain Spirit. As the episodes roll along one after the other, we see Ji Ah and Yeon wearing the same colors of clothes that complement each other. Director Kang surely knows the perfect angles of Lee Dong Wook and where to place the light. Our male lead is radiant and ethereal most of the time. That kiss in the rain in episode nine, we see Yeon waiting for Ji Ah under his red umbrella. Slowly he lifts it up to reveal his face and a ray of light shines through amidst the drizzle.  

Just when I thought TOTNT has given me a kiss that is one for the books, episode 13 has that unforgettable intimate scene with Yeon and Ji Ah fulfilling their dreams and desires. I had to tell myself that LDW and JBA are constructing the reality of lovers racing against time. But Wookie's jugular was a distraction, honestly. Needless to say, it was tastefully made. Slow clap! 

While there are parts I felt were rushed, like the remaining 40 minutes of episode 16 and that part where Yeon met Ji Ah's parents, the pacing and presentation of the visual narratives in mis-en-scene are indeed beautiful to behold. 

I have the same praise for the writing, though I felt the struggle of telling a story filled with plot twists after plot twists had its toll in the finale. They could have worked an additional 30 minutes more to the finale because, the lacunas were plentiful. I just hope there will be a Director's Cut now that Rang's untold stories are out there.

Of LDW's Kdramas, this is the one drama that I can personally relate to especially in its depiction of love and family relationships. I shipped the LDW and JBA pairing right away and fell in love with them all through out the season. I find their pairing mature, sincere and honest. Yeon is a mountain spirit who has amassed a fortune but with Ji Ah, he enjoys the simple things. He wants to be human, to grow old with Ji Ah and to see the light fade from their years together. This increases Yeon's romantic appeal and otherworldly charm. It did not help knowing that foxes are monogamous. I am hooked.

Then, there is Rang played by Kim Bum.  As Yeon's little brother, he brings the sizzle to the entire drama. At the beginning he is the villain but towards the middle, he was able to resolve his issues however, there are just actions he committed in the past that cannot be easily forgiven. He is the wedge to the Yeon and Ji Ah pairing. How Kim Bum portrays this role so well!

And now I go to my overall insights and reflections of TOTNT. This is the first Kdrama I wrote recaps and reviews about so the specifics can be read through the following links:

Episodes 1 -2  - The LDW and Jo Bo Ah ship has sailed!

Episodes 3-6 - The strong folkloric elements are smoothly integrated in the drama.

Episodes 7-10 - That kiss in the rain... It is a masterpiece!

Episode 11 - 12 - Lee Yeon's is the best brother but he is not the perfect boyfriend to bring home and meet the parents. And that is perfectly alright. 

Episode 13 - 14 - The one where we are proven that LDW is still leading man material and JBA is not an overrated actress.

Just three things namely 1) All those little things done with great love encompass the entire universe; 2) Why we need to let go, especially of our attachments and people we hold dear; 3) Life and death all but flow in one sweep of justice.

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