SLIA Resources, Directories & Lists

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dear SLIA: How to Make a Virtual Library? (Part 1 of 2)

Teacher Al of Keys School San Juan sent this query in Messenger: Ms. Zarah, Good day! Please explain how to make classroom virtual library in Google.

My reply to him:

I started making a website for our library through Google Site back in 2010. My knowledge of blogging made it easier to understand the interface and html of Google Site. Another platform I used was Wikispace back in 2012, until it closed down in 2014-15(?) The Google Site was for the purpose of internat communication on basic library servcies to our students, teachers and staff. The Wikispace was the platform for the library's Pathfinder and Webquest. Pathfinders are curated content from varied online resources. Webquests are search and locate activity modules using print and online materials.

Now, we are using Workplace by Facebook where the library has a group/page. There we post resources, teaching strategies, poetry, songs, pathfinders, news and updates on our subscriptions. What we curate and collect in Workplace, we put in our library’s Google Site for archiving.

I am also available Monday to Friday, at 2-4pm for chat with students on research consultations. Students and teachers can also reach me via email. So, I am using multi platforms to render library services virtually. Even before school closure, these platforms are already in place. We carried on the provision of remote services through the lockdown.

The video in making a Google Site is helpful. It has tools and strategies to help you create a virtual library. I suggest you further research on Blended Librianship and discover the theory and approach behind the creation of a virtual library. Work with Teacher Van so you can spread out the work. It can be time consuming because you are creating and curating content as well as understanding technology appropriate for K-12.

Also, you are communicating how students and teachers unpack and deconstruct metadata in different online subscriptions. It can be time consuming, but I learned to be patient when creating content and communicating it to the community.

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