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Friday, March 9, 2018

Teen Tech Week 2018: Student Made Website

Because it is Teen Tech Week, I am sharing this project of one of our students in the Academy.

Darwin Angelo "Drake" Velasco is one of our avid readers in the library. He is in grade 11 and previous to the Academy, he went to Don Bosco Technical College. Of the many exciting things Drake experienced at the beginning of the year was the library's collection. It is in a small room full of books -- and more!

During the first semester, Drake borrowed and read books like there was no tomorrow. Inspired by all the readings he made, he asked if I can be his supervisor for a Creative Action and Service (CAS) project. His project is a website of books and his reviews. Of course, I said yes.

Below is the main page of Drake's website which he named Beacon Academy Library Spotlight.

Since Drake asked for comments, I sent him the following feedback.

On Authorship and Content
You can be more specific by using Web Administrator and Book Reviewer instead of Author.

You have a sample synopsis for The Outsiders and it's in your recommended list. I was expecting to read a short review of the book written by you. Many websites provide info and summary on books and readers get the same stuff. A book review changes that. A book review makes the book more interesting because a reader talks about it from his/her experience of engaging with the text, the book's author and creative team. Be it a good review or not, it helps readers decide for themselves whether they will read the book or go for the next recommended read (this is how Amazon and publishing houses earn!). Having said this, let me go to the next comment: PURPOSE.

Go back to your WHY. You love to read. You love books. You discovered reading treasures in the BA Library. You want to share this love and this joyful discovery. Your platform in sharing this love and discovery is a  website. Through the website, you communicate the books you found as awesome, books that others may enjoy too, or at the very least, may lead to inquiry and reflection. Ask yourself: does the entire look of the website and its content show that love and joy? Does your writing reflect Drake, the reader and book enthusiast?

Cite and include references as necessary, especially in your synopsis. What is your source for the opening quote: the journey of a lifetime begins with the turning of the page?

On the WEBSITE design
Please use BA Library photos and for this, get in touch with Mr. Flynn and ask for help.

Please include the BA Library OPAC link so your readers can get the Call no. making the location of the book easier for them to know. Also, at first glance, a full bibliographic data below the photo cover of the book is a MUST. I call them the fantastic five: author/illustrator, title, publisher, place of publication, year published/copyright.
Did you ask permission from the school's communications associate on the use of the BA logo?

On sustainability and continuity
Can you manage a weekly post of five to six books? Consider your academic work load.
Share the website with friends, BA and non-BA, and ask them for feedback to. When they give back comments, know which ones are worthy of consideration to help you improve the website's content and over all design. A criteria can help you decide on the feedback to keep and the disregard. We can sit down on this or, you may start looking at website criteria online. Just make sure your sources are credible and valid.
You may consult your teachers too, like your English or Filipino teachers and your friends who also love to read. They can give feedback especially on content, design and functionality of the website.

Good luck!

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