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Saturday, December 14, 2013

On My Way to Becoming A Fit Filipino Librarian

Okay. So I did not blog about my weekly progress in FITFIL Boot Camp at ATC but I did tweet highlights of every session I attended. And early today, I got my certificate as a FitFil alumna and advocate. What was the experience like and how did I survive? Did I achieve my goal? Where do I go now after completing the first step of my fitness journey?

Weighing In">Looking back at my post last November 8, 2013,
I said that my aim is to set my own workout routine apart from keeping to a healthy diet. Indeed, FITFIL started me up back again to designing my own workout routine. With the help of physical trainors, coaches and nutritionist present during the entire fitness program, I am now more confident to begin the next leg of the journey.  Sessions in ATC were scheduled every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for four weeks. In between days, I worked on the workout routine I learned from the coaches. I will continue this on. There is no turning back. I have lost 5kgs. already (I have been weighing in every morning consistently for the past two weeks). I intend to lose more! My ideal weight is between 103-106 lbs. I am now 142 lbs. heavy. I started at 150 lbs., take note.

With Dang, blogger and librarian

Yes, I still have a long way to go. But I have learned to be patient with myself and I listen more now to my body than before when I was younger. I am turning 40 next year and my life is only beginning! Fit and fab at forty is my next goal! In June 2014, when I do my annual physical exam again in preparation for the new academic year, I MUST be 15 lbs., less. Wish me luck!

Food and Diet

I am now more aware of the food I eat. My meals are very green and very colorful. My food budget increased, yes, but I'd rather spend on healthy food than on medicines and consultation fees for doctors. I do not count calories. Jesus. Math is not my strength. But, I hang on to what my nutritionist told us the second time we had a nutrition talk: 50% of your every meal must be veggies and fruits. I still eat fish, chicken and meat, but I measure them in matchbox sizes and in the palm of my hand. I am back to bringing baon to work. Fortunately, there's a home-like pantry in the school where I work so I keep stock of my greens and fruits there.

My breakfast

At home, the fridge is bursting with fruits and veggies too. The great thing about this is that, even my family eats the veggie meals I prepare. What about eating out? I still do eat in restaurants but I go to those that serve salad, vegetable dishes. Our kids are 16 and 12 year olds and they love fastfood. I would beg off and we go to the healthier choice of menu. As for my husband, he has taken the route to wellness earlier than me. They have no reclaims. It seems that they understand this battle I go through. My kids and my hubby would tease me about my "plumpness". I know they do this out of concern. They see more and they can look beyond me. I no longer looked healthy and this is reason for them to worry. So you see, I do this fitness thing not just for myself but for my family too.

Tough Love

Now, my hubby and kids still humor the fatness of my belly in spite of the fact that I have trimmed down a bit. They're tough on me. Tough love it is.

Participating in the FITFIL Boot Camp in ATC is tough love too. The coaches are so strict only because they want to see the program work on each and every participant. There is team spirit and cooperation which is pretty strong. I often think not just of myself but of the coaches too. They spend time on this because it is their passion. I know a lot about passion.

With Coach Princess

When Coach Irene Rafil shouted, I know your pain, stay with me, during the meta-combat session, I know I am not alone. This was a comforting gesture. Even Coach Ed, our nutritionist, would give words of encouragement during workout routine sessions. Coach Princess is a great inspiration. She is a living proof that once you choose fitness and wellness, you will be victorious. This victory comes with great sacrifice and hard work. Again, this is tough love. And it is good.

The Road to Fitness Goes Ever On

With a few kilos dropped and a healthy food and diet regiment, I move on. I plan to do a workout routine after work since it is a privilege to use the school's fitness room. I recently discovered that we have kettle bells, lateral ladders, medic balls, weights, etc. in school. I will do a bit of research more on using my theraband. I have signed up in Zumba classes (also at work). Hubby is planning to get a new pair of sneakers. Then we can run together.

Kaya Natin! Kakayanin!
Long term, I wish to run too. I love the sound of my heartbeat, my feet in motion, the air running through my hair, knowing the lay of the land in our community and understanding its geography is a bonus.

From my FITFIL journey I will always remember two things: Coach Tonette squeezing my "bilbil" the first time I planked on day one; and Coach Jim telling everyone that the key to fitness is to keep moving.

I choose wellness!

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