SLIA Resources, Directories & Lists

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Make Story Flashcards**

This is a companion to the Storytelling Guide: The Legend of the Cashew Nut.

Story: The Legend of the Cashew Nut

This activity may be done by the librarian/storyteller in a separate session before the actual storytelling encounter. If time is a constraint, the librarian/storyteller can make his or her own storytelling flashcards and use them for story time.

1. Materials: Oslo paper or white cartolina, pencils, crayons, story text of The Legend of the Cashew Nut

2. Procedures:

a. Number each paragraph 1-17
b. Cut the story into strips following the set below:
FC1 - Paragraphs 1-4
FC2 - Paragraphs 5-9
FC3 - Paragraphs 10-12
FC4 - Paragraph 13
FC5 - Paragraph 14
FC6 - Paragraphs 15-16
FC7 - Paragraph 17

c. Assign one oslo paper or white cartolina per flashcard set (FC1 to FC7)
d. Paste each strip at the back of the corresponding oslo paper or white cartolina.
e. Draw and illustrate the paragraphs' text. There are seven flashcards. A cover or title flashcard can be made. Don't forget to include your sources all the time!
f. When the flashcard is done and ready for use, always mention where you got the story from :-)

**Inspired by storytelling using Kamishibai of Dianne de Las Casas, Storytelling Workshop (2005)**

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