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Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Story Our World

We are surrounded with news. Some are good. Some are bad. 

Our world is full of stories. Some are good. Some are bad.

Rachelle Escaravage and James Connolly choose to tell the good stories of this world and drum up positive news to people from Timbuktu, to Nepal, to practically all over the globe. Armed with big back packs and even bigger courage, they flew in to Manila last week to film Sambat Trust's charity-advocacy project in Tanauan, Batangas. According to the duo, this project has been the most fun and easy given the warmth and hospitality they got from their Filipino host.

They visited two libraries that Sambat Trust spear headed to establish and interviewed the people behind the project. They met Ms. Ergoe Tinio, Marketing Associate of Adarna House and talked about the status of literacy and publishing in the Philippines today. The duo learned about the book-matching grant that Scholastic Book Fairs Philippines have been organizing when they met Ms. Enoy Feriol of Scholastic Book Fairs Philippines. At the end of their four day stay, Rachelle and James had six hours of footage and taped interviews to edit and compress into a quick five minute video that would showcase Sambat Trust's journey of helping underprivileged kids have a library of that they can call their own in their school and community.  

It's been an honor to witness how these two professional journalists work! Listening to Rachelle interview the teachers, students, principals and people from the children's book publishing industry was an edifying experience. From the many travels they have made in the past years, they have been touched by so many inspiring stories. Their role is to pass it on. 

Visit their site, My Story Our World for samples of the web videos they've done so far.

1 comment:

  1. Nice information, many thanks to the author. It is incomprehensible to me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck! HerbsMD
