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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Live Blogging: Early Readers Online


Our presentation's done!

The Early Readers Online is a Community and Service project of high school students in Beacon Academy, Laguna. Students wrote and illustrated stories for kids age 5-7. These illustrated stories underwent an editing process and coaching-mentoring sessions by teachers who make up the team of facilitators. Once the stories were revised and final copies were made, the stories were uploaded to the website where members of the community can read, download, print and translate them.

Here's how to access the stories:

a. Go to Beacon Academy Mail -
b. Username - guest
c. Password - beaconacademy
d. Go to "SITES"
f. View the stories

Feel free to translate any of the stories in your mother tongue. Send your translations to Feedback is welcome as well.


  1. Inspiring project.

    Teach, how does your team make sure that the translations you'll be posting are the best possible ones and not just loose translations?

  2. jerson - knowing the best translation comes in later when there are feedback, comments and more translations :-) there will be discussions and engagement from users and consumers of the stories and the technology. this is a part of the creative cycle and the communication process.

    try to understand how web 2.0 technology, or a wiki, for this matter, works as well. the product is one thing but it does not end there. it will undergo evaluation and evolution through the participants engaged in the activity. learning and thinking occurs in the process and this is exciting! the technology opens up opportunities for participants of the project to think, and rethink, ruminate, and make hypothesis.

    cognitive activities yes, but we are at our most human when we wonder and when we question. it's an affirmation that we are alive :-D thanks for the question!
