SLIA Resources, Directories & Lists

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tinker. Tinker. Boooom!!!


I'm working on a three-column layout for this blog and lost some important links in the process. I only managed to return the essential links for the time being. Please bear with me for a few days. Hopefully I can put back old relevant links.



  1. there's always the internet archive.

    but you should remember that any time you tinker with your template to back up the html code first. if it looks complicated, you can just copy and paste the code into a draft email in gmail and put a date. that's what i do =)

  2. i did save the old html code, but when i went back to it, some links were missing, especially the widgets. the 3-column layout you linked in your blog does not work, btw. i searched for templates online but ended up using the old one instead.
