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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ateneo High School Educational Media Center

I just came from a two day conference, From Classrooms to Careers : Roadmaps to a Library's Success, at the Rizal Library, Ateneo De Manila Univeristy. The conference featured professional papers and projects of librarians, researchers and scholars from the academe here and abroad. The highlight of today's conference was seeing the the Ateneno High School Educational Media Center for the first time. See the photos I took using my MacBook.

I was impressed at the reader friendly atmosphere of the Ateneo HS EMC. Most of their staff are male and that is very telling of their thrust in educating and forming "men for others". Truly, the growing male teenager has to be surrounded by positive male role models to be. At the counter, boys were assited by a male staff. The librarian who entertained us was Ronald Jess Cabunagan, a UP alum (2001) who happens to be a reader of this blog. Their AV Librarian is male too. I failed to ask Mrs. Beth Peralejo if she has female librarians and staff. From the looks of it, she's the only one and she happens to be the "big boss" too.

They have graphic novels there! Yahoo! They also have computers for their OPAC terminals and CDROM/Internet access. They are celebrating Teen Read Week since October 17, 2007 and as a way to amplify the event, they featured books and reading materials on humor and leisurely reading. To further atract the attention of their students to reading and using the library, they put up a blog and trivia contest.

Attending the conference was like getting a refresher course. It is good to be reminded of these important things in this time and age of integration and IT, but what I really need is to fortify my management skills. I have to muster enough stamina - physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual to last.


  1. Thanks for posting about our Educational Media Center. Working in a high school library is always exciting and challenging. It's not that hard to get the boys into reading. We just need to provide them with books that they want to read. That's why we are starting to develop a good collection of graphic novels and mangas.

  2. you're welcome and well said, ronald. we've started our graphic collection too three years back :-) the hs library will hopefully build theirs. it's really a matter of knowing the readers' interest and behavior. kudos!
