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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blogs as Visual Aids

I do not have a flash drive. I ran out of CDR's. I refuse to use a floppy 3 1/2 diskette. OHP transparencies are so out of fashion to use as visual aid in my LIS class. But, I have a blog.

My posts for January 13 and 14 are all about User Centered Information Design - my report in my grad school course LIS 267 - and I will use my blog to present my topic. Since we have computer and Internet access in the institute, I'm confident to show my blog to my classmates.

Here are links to my report -

Report Outline

User Centered ISD : Background

User Centered ISD As Process

Models of Information Needs

See how I utilize it as a visual aid. Isn't blogging wonderful?

1 comment:

  1. It is quite a cool idea to make a blog as your visual aids. Most of the classroom nowadays are equipped with internet connection and LCD projector so its quite a cool idea to present it online. Students don't have to have it printed or photocopied since they can just check it at home.

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